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Signs that You Have Summer Time-itis

Summer can not arrive any faster! Winter was very beautiful in the beginning but then it turn into a disaster when it came slipping and sliding down the street and the snow and the coldness just started to get annoying. We're definitely ready for late night adventures and longer nights that can last until the next day. Here are some signs that prove that you are definitely ready for summer!

1. Waking up every morning feels like you've been hit by a bus.... Literally. 

2. You've lost track of your favorite TV series that you were watching on Netflix.

3. You start to look at the clock constantly... every second you can.

4. You start to hibernate more and more in your bed and you start to hit the snooze button more often.

5. Your best friend is starting to become your bed.

6. Your motivation to continue to doing work has declined dramatically.

7. Uh-oh you broke out the sandals and shorts already!

8. Your Instagram and Facebook feed has been flooding with summer time pictures.

9. You hid all the winter movies in your garage so they don't remind you of the snow and the blistering cold.

10. Started to clean out your closet and began strutting in your summer clothes.

11. You've started to shave your hairy legs constantly

12. Started booking festivals to attend to all summer long with your pals

13. You started to feel lighter, due to not wearing your heavy winter coats and sweaters.

Ahhhhh summer time is almost here you guys! Just take deep breaths and stop counting down the days. That will only make the days go by slower!  

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