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Who Runs Hifash?

Who Runs HIFASH?

Name: Aliyah Jones
Title: Chief Operating Officer
Nickname: Liyah pronounced (Lee-yah)

Bio: I've always been the quiet one in my family but my mind is filled with creative ideas 24/7. Everyday it's a constant battle of going to school everyday and not having the opportunity to express myself when it comes to what I love; fashion. I have had a passion for fashion at a young age and I like observing different textures and styles of clothing. Different designers intrigue me by how they incorporate their own creative ideas to their work and that inspires me to do the same with my company HIFASH. I also like giving people advice when it comes to fashion, beauty and just life in general. I can be harsh at times when it comes to speaking on my opinion on certain things especially on what's' going on in the fashion industry. I consider myself a Fashion Enthusiasts. Traveling around the world is one of the many things I enjoy doing because, I like learning about different cultures around the world and that's how I get inspired to do more projects in the near future. I'm all about creativity and giving back to others. I feel like without having the ability to have a creative mindset I wouldn't be able to produce the ideas that I'm currently trying to achieve in life. I have many dreams and goals in my life that I will hopefully achieve and I hope the viewers of HIFASH will see me rise, grow and prosper  into the person that I want to be in the future.
With love,


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