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History Has Been Made: Love is Love

Yesterday, history has been made that same sex marriage is now allowed in all 50 states in the U.S. Of course we have those people that don't agree with this decision but at the same time; why does this decision concern people so much? People need to realize times are changing and we can't let other people be unhappy with the rest of their life. The question is; how does gay marriage affect your life at all? Why should we live in a world where we're not allowed to love who we want?

We weren't put on this earth to be unhappy; we're here to leave a mark and be happy with our lives and not be judged on a daily basis. I wasn't taught to judge and look down upon people that have different preferences within partners. Why judge? Why not respect one another and go on with our lives? 

I'm just very glad that this decision has finally been made. It's time to move on from the past and on to the future for Pete's Sake! Love is love no matter what gender or color you are. Kudos to America ✌.

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