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The Help of Strangers

In the beginning stages of our lives we tend to not like certain things about ourselves that we can't change at all for example our hair textures, the way we smile, and even just the way we look on a daily basis. Sometimes we don't even realize that in other people's eyes we are perfect and beautiful in our own way when it comes to how we look and the way our face lights up the room when we walk in. It's interesting to see and hear the things that people like about us but in reality we don't even understand why they even like the corky things that we do as individuals. I guess it's because we're so used to seeing ourselves in our own eyes and we tend to forget the beauty of our own uniqueness. Sometimes we as humans need to hear from another persons perspective on how they view and love our imperfections and that actually helps us in a way to make ourselves feel more at peace with our flaws. I know it may sound vain to say but you know it's true. If a person calls you beautiful or handsome and you didn't think that you were before; you start to actually believe it. It's ironic that hearing someone else point out our flaws that we aren't really fond of we tend to start to slowly love our imperfections more and more and maybe it's sometimes best to hear it from someone else's mouth instead of our own thoughts. Moral of the story is; strangers can actually cure our inner demons when it comes to not loving our imperfections and even ourselves. Just remember that you are beautiful and you are handsome and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


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