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Senior Year | New School | Mixed Emotions

I've been taking a minute to adjust to my new schedule for the new school year. My summer has been cut short sadly due to going to a new school but, this is only the beginning of something new. I've always complained about my old school so why not start fresh. Let's cut this summary short and sweet; 2 days in and I met a couple friends. My classes are pretty cool except for this piano class (I feel like everyone who is taking this class is advanced...not even kidding). I miss my friends but it wouldn't have matter if I stayed at my old school, I wouldn't have seen them what so ever. At my new school, I can tell that people know I'm foreign and I'm new here. It kind of sucks that I won't be graduating with the people that I grew and blossomed with but hey it is what it is. Moral of the situation; be a table hopper at lunch and vibe off with different. That's how you'll make friends. Trust me. 

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