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Love Your Body. Love Yourself.

Over the years I used to not enjoy looking at my body, my hair, my long oval face but just recently I realized that I'm unique in my own way. I don't have to look like the Victoria Secret models that have perfect bodies for days and not starve myself. It took me a minute to realize that it's okay that I have tiger stripes on the side of my thighs because; that's what makes me a women today in America. I know everyone wants that "perfect body" but sadly is it really worth it? It took me a while to embrace my oval face (my face is very ovally and I HATED IT) but then I realized that's what makes me unique in my own way. It took me a while to love the height that God or shall as say "The Unknown" has given me throughout the years. I was always known as the tall black chick that graced the halls in elementary, middle school, and also high school. I realized it is okay that I'm taller than all the guys that aren't attracted towards tall girls due to our unique physic. They just can't handle the tall girls (that's what I would always to myself when a guy used to say they wouldn't date a tall girl).

My body is my temple. I will cherish it forever and I can proudly admit that I didn't like my body for a long time. It's sad that within the media celebrities have to look a certain way to get that perfect look within the public eye. It's sad that people in our society try to mimic what they see on social media which triggers them to act on things that they shouldn't be doing; copying that perfect body. So I would like to tell everyone all around the world (including guys); love the body that you are in because trust me your the only person that can rock it out. Your the only person that can carry your body and physical features that make you unique! Own it ladies and gents! In order to love your body you have to love yourself first.

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