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Behind the Scenes | Photography Phase

So I haven't wrote in my "Behind the Scenes" segment on the Hifash Magazine website for a minute; so why not start now. For those of you that don't know the Behind the Scenes section is basically a personal journal where you guys can follow up to speed on my journey pertaining within my position within the fashion industry and you guys can also watch me grow with all my future goals and plans that I have. 

Okay now to the good stuff! So in my junior year in high school I had a class that focused on the art in Digital Photography. I've always had a passion with photography and videography ever since I was a young girl. I would always make music videos and post them on YouTube (secret life of Aliyah that only a few know about lol) but unfortunately I deleted them online for gods knows what reason. I haven't touched a camera in a long time until junior year of high school sadly (officially a senior now). Thank the lord I still had the ability to edit and shoot things from my perspective again.
I enjoy shooting in black in white most of the time because, in my opinion the effect shows more emotion than colorful photographs (but that's just my opinion). Taking photography class made me realize; why not continue my ability to edit and shoot photography along with attending fashion shows and events and meeting different people within the fashion industry? It's always good to combine more than one talents all in one! Unfortunately, my photography course ended and I had to give away the camera that I have bonded with over the last 3 months. I carried that camera everywhere I went and I basically went through withdraw! I didn't know what to do with my life after that (just kidding)! It's been a year since I held a professional camera and I already know what I'm saving up for this summer. I can honestly say that photography class changed my life by showing me that I can't put aside my hobbies that I've always been passionate about. That goes for all of my readers; never put aside something that you care about.


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