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Beauty Has No Color

The definition of beauty can come in many ways for different people; blonde hair blue eyes, brunette locs with brown hair and so on and so on. In reality, people around the world do not always meet the standards of "beautiful". 

Everyone comes from different backgrounds that they have no control over what-so-ever. As you can see, everytime you pass a billboard on the highway you will always see the typical beauty standards; tall, skinny, long lushes hair, high cheek bones and etc. 

Don't let those billboards make you feel that your not good enough. Your unique in your own way! Having features that are abnormal and don't meet the "standards" makes you beautiful either way. Who cares about not having long hair and and not having the perfect body; what matters is that you are not the same as the person standing next to you. So let's take a moment and love our imperfections and remember, beauty comes in all different shades and sizes all around the world! 

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