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My Work| The Artist Within

Writing Samples:

Finding the Light When Your Drowning in the Dark

I understand that people go through things on a daily basis during the course of their lives. Some people go through depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and even fear. People then turn to abuse and they think they are unable to function in life and they always think they have no where to turn to. Mostly likely, people that have negative thoughts are drowning in the dark and they are not able to see the light anymore. They often start to think that what ever is going one with their lives that aren't right, they think it's the end of the world and they can't function anymore and they're ready to give up. Their connection to the light has disappeared and their unable see it anymore. If you are in a dark place currently, listen here; it is not the end of the world. I promise. You have to let people help you because, you can't always help yourself. Don't shut people out! Let them in and let them help you. Think about the positive outcome to certain situations that you are currently going through. Don't think about the negatives because your just digging a deeper hole within your self. It's okay to cry and release your emotions to other people that you are close to because, in reality your not alone. Your not the only one going though whatever situation that you are currently dealing with. Lastly, just remember to breathe because you don't want to keep suffocating your guilt within yourself. Close your eyes and think about all the positive things in your life currently. When your ready to open your eyes to see the light again be committed to it. Don't look back towards the darkness because you don't want to be there anymore. Focus on that light that can help guide you to your new beginnings in life. 


J.Cole HBO Road to Homecoming Review

If your not a die hard J. Cole fan like myself: your missing out. Recently, J.Cole has had the privilege to collaborate with HBO to do a documentary called Road to Homecoming. What's really neat is that he's given his fans the opportunity to watch 20-30 minutes of each part of the documentary through Vimeo; an online video media platform where people post creative videos and pieces. This is why I highly respect him as an artist and as an individual. I was surprised and not surprised that he let us as fans go behind the scenes with him when he was about to debut his album "Forest Hills Drive 2014" and etc. I always wondered how he pieces together his canvas (music, life etc).

You know what's really crazy, you can tell that he really cares about his fans opinions and outlooks on what he does musically. The way he connects with his fans through his performance is so memorizing and it put you in a trance musically and mentally. He even let some of his fans listen to his album secretly (that's crazy and all of them kept a secret for that long! That's dedication right there). Not a lot of artists actually lets their fans listen to an album that hasn't been released yet. That was the most beautiful part about this documentary. He actually cares about the people surrounding him that has been with him since day one. I loved how he took one of his childhood friends under his wing to be a part of his journey. He even gave him a job to be a part of the Dreamville team. Now that's a friend right there. He has given many people the opportunity to see a different viewpoint in life. By taking his crew around the world to see amazing things that not a lot people get to see is the most extraordinary experience in the world. 

In the documentary, you get to see how he pieces together his thoughts into pieces of music that turns into art. This creative soul shows viewer that if you put your mind and soul into something that you are passionate about; you can be anything that you want to be. You don't need to have a board full of people to tell you what sounds good, looks good and etc. You have the power to know what feels good and looks good. You have your own eyes, mind, heart and soul. You must protect it because, you don't want other people to get into your head and tell you your dreams are not measurable. When I was watching each episode on Vimeo, he made me realize that if I keep speaking things into existence ; everything will gradually happen in a chain of reaction. We can't all rush things to happen. He made it very clear that us as individuals have the power to make things happen ourselves. We may need the help of other people but, that doesn't mean that you have to depend on them for your own lifetime goals. I can go on and on, on all the things I've learned through watching his documentary. I would suggest that all of you guys to go watch it. I guarantee that you will become inspired by how he interprets life and dreams in general. Shout out to Scott Lazer for capturing these moments with J. Cole and the Dreamville team. The way Scott has visually captured these moments is incredible and he's definitely going down on my list of favorite film directors of all time. Literally. Check out the link below to watch all parts of the documentary. You won't regret it. 

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