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A Kid With A Dream; Tyler The Creator's Fashion Show

I'm all about young people paving the wave for other kids to follow their dreams and Tyler The Creator is a prime example of one of those young people that doesn't let anything stop him. A couple years ago, this outspoken young boy came into the music industry with a dream and he has definitely set the bar high when it comes to doing so. He is well known for having creative ideas and expressing a crazy sense of humor towards the people that he surrounds himself with; especially his family Odd Future. Just recently this young entrepreneur created a new clothing line called Golf Wang which includes bright colored pieces that resembled pieces back from the 90's which is pretty dope in my opinion. We are so used to having darker colors incorporated in other designers work but Tyler The Creator has taken the initiative to create with his own imagination which is the key to success. He inspires me to not listen to what other people have to say when it comes to having your own idea that you feel can lead up to different opportunities. Tyler will be remember as the rapper but his creativity will forever over power the title "rapper" due to the fact that he has inspired so many young kids to never let go of your creativity what so ever. 

A couple days ago he had his first fashion show for his brand Golf Wang which modeled very bright and aesthetic colors which definitely caught the audiences attention. Guest that attended the fashion were given free sneakers that Tyler created which are called Golf Le Fleur and he also debuted his new song "My Ego" which was only written for the show and it will never be played or performed again. This unique show will go down as one of my favorite fashion shows that I have seen up to date! Check out the video down below to see this Creator's vision come to life! 

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