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Express Yo Creativity

Sometimes I have difficult time understanding how some people don't know how to think about things outside the box. What I mean by that is; a lot of the time some people let go of there creative minds at a young due to maybe there parents expressing "don't do that billy" or a friend saying "billy that idea is so dumb" but in actuality your idea is what sets you aside from everyone else. It's okay to be different from everyone else. You have to make the decision and let your creative mind explode out into the real world. Surround yourself with creative people like yourself. Don't stick with people that just want to talk about  nonsense and not dreams and visions. You have the choice to showcase your creativeness through art, film, design clothes etc. Spread your gift to everyone around you and don't hold back on your ideas or you will potentially go insane. Literally. You were created to create something extraordinary. 


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