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Your Idenity


I understand that the people you surround yourself with can be the cause of losing who you are as a person. People tend to lose themselves in the crowd when they get caught up in the moment. I was talking to a distant friend of mine two weeks ago that I’ve used to be very close with. She was explaining that shes been struggling to find out who she is as person. She started to do the same things as her so called "friends"did and she started having the same mentality as they do. I kindly told her that the best way to find yourself is to remove yourself from the crowd or else you’ll end up not knowing who you could actually be. 
My advice to everyone is that;
Just because everyone else is doing things doesn’t mean YOU have to join in. Sometimes you have to make the sacrifice to be different instead of acting like someone your not. Why be in a crowd that could eventually drown you and kill who you were before. Take the risk and be you. Answer this question: Would you rather be the follower or the leader
It’s your choice.
You better find yourself before the tsunami washes you away. 

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