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Why Bandwagon on the #DontJudgeChallenge?

For the past couple of days all I've seen on my social media was people from all around the world posting photos and videos of themselves with drawn on acne, unibrows and other physical features that are perceived as ugly in todays society. Then, after posing a few times in front of the camera with their background music that people have chosen they then wipe off their imperfections and show off their flaws. First and for most, this challenge has been taken too far due to the amount of lack of knowledge on how this hashtag came about. The #DontJudgeChallenge was intended to be an anti-body shaming campaign; not a "don't judge me on my looks" parody. If you have taken the time of day and made a video of yourself doing this hashtag then you obviously don't know the meaning behind the #DontJudgeChallenge and it was never to shame people that have unibrows and acne. Everyone is beautiful in their own way so why waste your time and make a video and wait for the likes to come through on your video to get verification on how beautiful and handsome you are? Is this what our society has come to today? I'm not here to make people feel ashamed after posting their videos on social media but, I just want to let everyone to know that they should do their research before hand.

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